"Sweeter as the years go by"

As I posted on
'Insights' that I wish to have 35 visitors because 'twas my 35th birthday! Amazing as it

was, but we were really 35 heads in all though including me and my family and children. Hmmm! It was a little too much but because we had prepared that much, everything was under control. Everyone bring their families and themselves and the always present.. the gifts:) wink* Here, time is time but because we were almost all Filipino families (our Swedish husbands already adjusted to Filipino time;) So, we started with welcome drinks and chit chats then dinner. Everyone enjoyed I think and full;)
Opening of the gifts is really important part of every birthday party here. there should be a time

allotted for it. Usually it will be after slicing cake and coffee time. But what I did, was I put it in the middle. After eating dinner while everyone still full for the dessert. I open the gifts;) Everyone that has gift has to give a wish and everyone enjoys about it! It was a little unusual for them.
I had fun and was so happy and satisfied on everything they said; wishes, advices and inspiring messages for me. I also like all the gifts, heheh.

So after the laughter and some other emotional moments, and the desserts were ready. It was perfect for them also. I prepared chocolate cake and fruit cake, one filipina brought fruit salad and another friend brought leche plan. Well, everything was perfect!
The day ends with saying thanks and 'hej då's' With the never ending promises that we should keep in touch so we can chat more about our busy lives here in this foreign land;)

To God be the GLORY!!!