My father used to prepare food for us and took care of us during our school days. Because my mother was working, sewing the whole day and took care of our little store at home! So, when my fathe
r worked and not with us everyday, it was my mother who did everything at home! She became so cope up with work and household chores that she sometimes forgot to eat. While she didn't knew also that she was pregnant! It was unplanned! We were already girl and boy and they thought its enough. But then, the unexpected happened.

Maybe because of stress, pressures and unhealthy lifestyle, her pregnancy was at risk! The baby was so weak inside and had no possibilities to go out normally. And the problem was, my mother cannot have a ceasarian operation due to her heart problem. It will complicate! The situation became harder and harder everyday, the baby should not die inside, or else both of them will be dead! Already stayed in the hospital for 2weeks... the baby was already post mature for almost a month. Everyday, was a miracle!
What happened then will be on the next post! Find out if they survived both! And how!