Saturday 20 March 2010

Six Months After....

Days with the new 5lbs. baby went better. Though in hardship but he lives day by day in our mother's care. He've grown so much bigger through natural food like yellow squash! I can remember, my mother just cooked a squash and smashed it and feed to my brother:) Ooh, by that his growth was amazing! Months passed and everyone starts covering up. But then, unbelievable as it was, when the 6months were over, my mother just collapse with no reason at all!

I can still remember that morning! We were happy and doing the usual routine of the day. We seems had forgotten what had happen. Our lives back to normal, may not yet the life that we used to be but living each day with a bright day ahead! We always went to church every sunday and my early mind started to learn something about church and God.

She was washing the dishes and just collapse right there in my eyes! I shouted as loud as I could asking for help because it was only me and my mother with the baby sleeping. When my father came together with my grandmother she was rushed to the hospital and I beg to follow with them remembering what she told me six months ago. So my grandmother took care of the baby and I went with them to the hospital. I was crying all the way and as I was staring at my mother she really looks dead already.

This time it was ME who made a promise! A promise that lasts!!! Stay tune on the next chapter..there I will share the promise I made with the Lord just to let my mother live! I knew she was ready, thats the only time she'd asked. But then we were not ready yet!

Tuesday 5 January 2010


My mother didn't say anything about what had happen. She kept everything to herself. But one day, while I was with her washing our clothes at the 'flowing water' hehe.. its a water flowing from the mountain and its where almost everyone in the village washes their clothes. But that day we were alone, only two of us and my mother was already planning to tell me her secret because I am the eldest and she thought I must know it!


"It was like I was just dreaming. I was walking in nowhere...I even didn't notice what's sorrounds me. All I can remember was myself walking heading to the light that seems to have voices..,humming,singing,talking..can't describe what was it but I was following on that direction. When I was nearer, the sounds became clearer and louder but I cannot look at the light! So I kneeled down bowing my head! I said; My God, forgive me on everything I've done that did not pleased you, if it is favorable to ask you one thing, please let me. YOU SEE.., I JUST DELIVER A NEW CHILD, A CHILD THAT NEEDS SO MUCH CARE FROM A MOTHER, HE IS NOT HEALTHY BUT IF YOU WILL LET HIM LIVE; LET ME LIVE ALSO EVEN FOR JUST SIX MONTHs JUST ENOUGH THAT THE CHILD COULD BE BETTER IN SHAPE. MY ELDEST STILL SMALL AND I'M SURE SHE STILL CAN'T HANDLE THE RESPONSIBILITY. IF YOU WILL GRANT THIS PLEA, I PROMISE TO SERVE ALL MY REMAINING LIFE SERVING YOU AND LET MY FAMILY KNOW YOU! ... the next thing she remember was she's so thirsty and that was it! She's back to life!"

She told me, "I have to tell you that promise I had with the Lord so whatever will happen you know what to do! HE IS ALIVE AND IS FAITHFUL TO ANSWER OUR PRAYERS! Just believe and put your trust in HIm". After six months..see what happen on the next post!

Saturday 2 January 2010

New Life, New Beginning!!!

When the doctor said they're afraid they cannot save both but they have to do the operation, the whole family just prayed and just ready ourselves whatever might happen. So after a couple of ours and the doctor shook his head about my mother and proclaimed dead that even my father while all those time holding my mother, he felt the last breath stopped like he heard a click and that was it! We cried of course, my father sobs!

While my father was sobbing and the doctor went away already, after a few minutes maybe 3-5, my father felt my mother's hands moving and while my fathers was in the act of bewildernment, my mother's whole body continue moving and breathing fast and even in a tired voice she asked for water! Shocked but my father handled to shout and called the doctor, nurses in the hospital.

Hospitals personal were taking her to the emergency and after that day was over. She was returned to the room, even so weak but alive!
The doctor said, "he just saw a miracle! And he will bear it in his whole experience as a doctor!"

What really happens on that few minutes of her being dead? That we will know on the next page!!! Just hang on guys!